Ausure Complaints Process

Ausure’s Complaints Commitment

At Ausure we are committed to ensuring that client’s complaints are dealt with in an efficient and professional manner. Ausure has a dedicated Complaints Manager (Graeme Lilley) who works in conjunction with Ausure complaints committee to assist clients to resolve disputes.


What is a Complaint or a Dispute?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with a product or service provided by a licensee where the complainant expects the licensee to take action to correct the situation and to prevent it from happening again.


If the complainant is not satisfied with the licensee’s action in response to the complaint, it may then become a dispute. Disputes that are not resolved need to be referred to an external dispute resolution scheme.


Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR)

  • Ausure has a dedicated Complaints Manager, Complaints Committee and fully documented process for managing complaints submitted by clients. In addition Ausure is a member of FOS and any complaint that is not resolved will be referred to FOS for consideration.


External Dispute Resolution (EDR)

  • The dispute resolution provisions state that Financial Service providers must have an EDR scheme that has been approved by ASIC in accordance with the regulations. Ausure currently subscribes to FOS (Financial Ombudsman service)


How do I submit my complaint?

All complaints should be submitted in writing to Ausure’s Complaints Manager Mr Graeme Lilley at the following address;


Ausure Complaints Manager
Po Box 21
Cardiff, NSW, 2285


What information needs to be in the complaint?

The complaint notification should document in detail the following

  • Who you deal with (Name of your Insurance representative)
  • The nature of your complaint. (What happened and why a complaint has been lodged)
  • What you would like done to resolve the issue.

If you have any supporting information or documents you should include a copy of these in your submission.


What will Ausure do with my complaint?

When the Complaints Manager is notified of a Complaint they will take the following actions;

  • Ausure will acknowledge in writing (within 7 days) that we have received your complaint and advise what course action we are taking in relation to your complaint.
  • The Complaints Manager will attempt to resolve the issue with yourself and your insurance Representative.
  • If a reasonable resolution cannot be found within 21 days, the complaint may be forwarded to External Disputes Resolution (EDR). The Complaints Manager will continue to manage the situation and provide any information or assistance requested by the EDR.
  • Ausure is bound to abide by the rulings of the Financial Ombudsman Service.